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 I believe my book is a game changer-Oyinloye.

Sunday Oyinloye

I believe my book is a game changer-Oyinloye.

I believe my book is a game changer-Oyinloye


Sunday Oyinloye was a former Editor of Newspeg Newspaper, and pioneer Editor of Central Post Newspaper, Abuja before he resigned to work as the Personal Assistant to Nigerian Ambassador in the Netherlands.

Sunday Oyinloye

After the tenure of his boss, he joined Diplomatic Magazine, Netherlands as the pioneer West Africa Editor.In 2017, he floated Green Savannah Diplomatic Cable, an international online magazine.

His magazine has featured hundreds of professionals doing remarkable things in their chosen careers within and outside the continent.

In this interview, the Publisher gives an insight into his book ‘50 Successful African Female Entrepreneurs: Their Stories”


What informs your choice of showcasing the 50 female entrepreneurs?

About two years ago, I sat down and reflected on the interviews I have had with entrepreneurs from different parts of the globe particularly Africans. And I told myself that I would come out with a compendium of these interviews. Since I floated the magazine seven years ago, I have interviewed hundreds of people from different fields. Interestingly, about 85 percent of them are women. I want to say with every sense of modesty and humility that I don’t know of any magazine in Nigeria that knows Africa like Green Savannah Diplomatic Cable. Perhaps there might be one, but I do not know. As I said earlier, the idea came two years ago and to the glory of God, it has now seen the light of the day.

What criteria did you use in selecting those in the book?

What we did was just to pick 50 entrepreneurs who have unique stories out of hundreds with equally interesting stories. However, we do background checks before we feature anyone in our magazine. It doesn’t matter if you have the whole world, as long as you don’t have integrity, you can’t appear in our magazine. We are very popular in many African countries because of the uniqueness of our magazine. All our contents are from the source and not copy and paste as many do.

How many countries are these businesswomen chosen from and what areas or disciplines do they cover?

They are from different countries, Nigeria, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Cape Verde, Zambia, Lesotho, South Africa; Somali land other parts of the continent. Some of them are Africans in the US (not Black Americans) Canada and other parts of the globe. They are from different fields, Manufacturing, Agriculture, ICT, Media, Services, Entertainment and others

What are the lessons from the book and what are your expected impacts on the younger people, especially on the present generation of Nigerian growing women?

There are many lessons that could be leaned by anyone who buys the book because it tells the stories of these 50 female entrepreneurs. Some of them passed through difficult paths in life and even thought of suicide, but today, their stories have changed from grass to grace. The book is an empowerment tool for youths across the globe particularly, African youth. It is also good for entrepreneurs who are already established.

Instead of distributing money, our politicians should get copies of this book and distribute to their constituents for their empowerment. The book is available on Amazon where people can buy eBook and paperback. It is also available on Selar as eBook.

However, for the benefit of our vibrant youth in Nigeria and other parts of Africa, we are printing the book in the coming weeks. So everyone should endeavour to get this life saving material.

It will help the old and the young on the continent. The book will be available in book stores and designated points across Nigeria. And for those outside of Nigeria, it’s either they buy from Amazon or they contact Green Savannah Diplomatic Cable, the Publishers of the book


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